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June 13 2022
Genetic selection for improved hoof health is one opportunity to reduce lameness, which affects about 50% of dairy cows and results in economic losses, poor health, and suboptimal animal welfare
June 13 2022
The amount of U.S. milk moving through the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system fell to a six-year low in 2021 at 61%
June 13 2022
Dairy's path to climate neutrality was presented by Frank Mitloehner, University of California, Davis
June 9 2022
Synchronization programs have vastly improved dairy cattle reproduction since their introduction in the mid-1990s
June 9 2022
A properly formulated ration is one of the most valuable tools a dairy farm has to ensure cows remain healthy and productive, but balanced nutrients isn’t the only important factor of a diet
June 9 2022
That first meal of colostrum can truly set the stage for calfhood and beyond
June 9 2022
USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack has opened the door to federal order modernization in response to industry interest in looking at a variety of changes
June 8 2022
i do not remember a time when I did not identify myself as a farm girl. Even when I was a young child, the farm was my security
June 8 2022
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the June 2022 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
June 8 2022
Clinical mastitis continues to be the number one health problem identified by dairy producers. It affects 25% of all U.S. dairy cows
June 8 2022
High-forage diets for dairy cattle are becoming more popular due to the cost-effectiveness of homegrown forages and potential benefits on milk components
June 8 2022
The author is a professor emeritus at University of Illinois, Urbana.Questions are arriving from around the globe, inquiring about strategies to reduce feed costs given $7 to $8 per bushel corn and so
June 8 2022
This week's episode will discuss possible avenues for change to the Federal Order system
June 8 2022
Fertilizer is once again experiencing a seismic market disturbance. Instead of supply chains being disrupted by a worldwide pandemic, however, a significant portion of fertilizer’s woes can now...
June 8 2022
in a not so far-off future, the most profitable dairies in the country may not be milking for money. Dairy farms will be milking cows for credit
335 HandyHint 020-shut door
June 8 2022
If you have any barn doors that don’t stay closed, here is one solution. I took two eye bolts and attached one to the door and one to the trim of the door
June 8 2022
Farmers everywhere are still struggling to manage through this extremely tight labor market. Prices of equipment, parts, fertilizer, hauling, and construction have also surged double-digits
June 7 2022
Eat butter. That declaration appeared on the cover of the June 23, 2014, edition of Time magazine. By the time that bold statement appeared, the “Fat is back” revolution was well underway
June 6 2022
In the past few weeks, I’ve fielded a half dozen phone calls following a number of episodes involving unexplained health issues in high-performing cows. The calls came from throughout Minnesot
June 6 2022
One of the three largest expenses on a dairy farm is raising replacements, and the greatest cost in that category is the feed it takes to get a heifer from birth to first lactation